Saturday, January 10, 2009


Our flight to Chicago got delayed in Reno from 1:15 to 2:10 to 3:15, then we boarded the plane and sat for 30 mins on the runway. I was crammed next to loviedovie russian couple and my dad had three seats to himself. Half way through the flight they got up so I ran to take away my dad's freedom too relax. Only to find out that the guy in front of me pushed his seat back farther than legally possible and there was a baby crying behind me while his older sister kicked the back of my seat; damn I love kids! Due to the delay we arrived in Chicago at 9:05 our connecting flight to Flint took off at 9:03.

I lost my dad on the way to the next terminal so he called me and asked if I wanted to stay in a hotel or on a cot at the airport. I sure as shit decided the hotel. But come to find out they didn't comp us a room we still had to pay $75 to stay at a hotel that took over an hour to get to becuase everyone that missed their connecting flights were refered to the same hotel, the Aloft, and they only had one shuttle.

So this is where I'm typing from right now. It's actually a really nice place, but it's midnight now and we have to get up at 6 to get on our 9:30 (cross your fingers) flight.

Here's to travelin'


Anonymous said...

The joys of travel. Just wait, I'll let you know all about our trip on Thailand.

Anonymous said...

We have all been waiting!

hero said...
