Monday, January 12, 2009

end before the trip begins

We finally made it to Flint. After reading Eric's story I realize I didn't have anything reason to whine. I ended up sleeping till 9 pm and staying up till 4:30, It's Always Sunny season 3 is great! It's cold as all hell (does that compute) here. Snow all over and more on it's way. The news predicts temps in the negatives this week. I know it's MI and I should expect it to be this way but I've only ever been here in the summer so I've only heard old Irishman stories about winter in MI so I didn't really believe what they said.

As an aside I'm planning my drive home. What would you want to see if you could go anywhere in the eastern USA?


Anonymous said...

Since you axed, if i were you, and weren't necessarily me, but you could be, I'd get out of the cold north, and icy roads ASAP. I'd gun through ohio, to South Carolina and start following the coast from there to Florida. Then I'd bop up and down a bit through ALABAMA (MAYYNN!) and Mississississippii and hit New Orleans for sure. I'd go home through Denver, but you might want to give the Rockies a miss.

I'm jelous.

Florida, 3rd week in Jan. Fellsmere Frogleg Festival.

Anonymous said...

Ever planning on being there again? Hit Boston if you aren't. Otherwise I'm with e-go south young man.