Saturday, April 04, 2009

back to life

Eric was back in the states for the last few weeks. I'd like to say we had a bunch of crazy adventures, like gumboy, but we ended up doing not much. Most of his trip consisted of copious drinking and eating. He got a sweet tat on his back.

R.I.P. Eric's glasses.

Kt got her new boobs Thursday. She said she is feeling pretty good, but I think it's more the pain meds talking. That has to hurt, I don't care who you are. hopefully her and Preston are happy with the new toys.

Speak Your Mind is at Lawlor tomorrow night. Staring Sage Francis, Hiero, 2Mex, Living Legends, Kidz in the Hall, and more. Last time Sage came to Reno I found something else to do so I'm not going to miss it this time.

I finally finished playing fallout 3 last night. Amazing game! Should have been game of the year(XPLAY). Chino let me borrow it last week. I played 80 hours in one week. I was addicted. I'm glad I didn't buy it or I would most likely still be playing.

I was out of cayenne but Ash took me to costco tonight and I got 3 gigantic bottles of cayenne pepper so I'll never run out again.

Get well Julie!

1 comment:

e said...

How was the show man? You go with AK?