Friday, February 20, 2009

fakereality of war

I've been doing role-playing, pretending I'm an Afghan villager. Most of it was sitting around a campfire shootin' the shit, but when the marines did security sweeps it got real intense really fast. The first few days I was an IED facilitator hiding in a small mountain village. I got sold out by my own people the second day so the marines raided our camp, captured me and tossed me in jail. Even knowing it was fake it was freaky having three rifles in my face while being bagged and cuffed. After I was in jail they called a no-play and I got to hang out with the marines. The start learning Eng by age 10 so we could communicate well. I got to hear them sing happy bday in Dutch. After I was released they moved me to a city site.
It is a fake town made out of mill vans rinolined in lt brown. It's quite elaborate. They have a three story mosque with a golden dome. I was no longer the IED facilitator but no one told the second group of marines. So when they saw me this group wanted to arrest me too. This took them off their main target of finding a kidnapped army officer (couldn't be a marine because "marines don't get captured!") we were holding in our village. But they weren't doing thier sweeps of the town correctly anyways so the trainer made them redo the scenario. But this time around they had me drive down the road and fire off some AK shots to liven up the training. My sister was in the village at the time and saw a guy freak when he heard the shots. "What the F!? What the F!?" as he spins aimlessly for 20 seconds searching for a clue, before lifting his rifle and dropping to the ground for cover. The trainers weren't real happy with how things were going thus far anyways.
The last night they planned to enter the village, save the army hostage, gain intel from him, then reenter the village and save the UN hostages that the army hostage told them about. They decided instead to just raid the village while we were all hiding from them (on purpose) so they could free the army hostage and took everyone by surprise. According to the Dutch command this worked so well they felt they needed to mock the training, "Are we done with all this silliness?" among other things. They didn't want to listen to Preston about what they did wrong, so he called the training soon after.
So it was really fun, kind of like getting paid to go camping (sans beer). I have a new found desire to go to Holland, everyone seemed like fun nice people. I have a new understanding on how citizens of a wartorn country could hate the forces that are trying to "help them." It doesn't seem so helpful when they arrest you in the middle of the night while shooting up your house looking for someone you don't know.

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