Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'll take the long way home

miles total when I arrived in Las Vegas, 2845 in five days!

how the roads look from Flint to D.C.
it was cold in Flint

stopped off in Cleveland to see the "Q"

Obamamania in D.C.

D.C. stuff
I arrived around 6 a.m. It was pretty scarce of people till about 7. Then the cops and bus loads of blacks started milling around. On almost every corner a sardine can (bus) full of black people was empting. On the other corners were cops with thier lights on for no reason. Besides the horrible roads, five way stops and everything being one way streets, it was just getting too crowded so I took off and headed to Kitty Hawk.

I took a lay over in Williamsburg. It was crap. A bunch of junk stores in beautiful old buildings.

World's largest hammock! It was a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be based on the 20 million billboards talking it up.

The Outer Banks of N. Carolina had these painted pegasus statues all over the place each with a different paint theme. This was my favorite with a an old world map paint job.

Kitty Hawk memorial


Boiled peanuts, they were all over S. Carolina

Krystal! Best chicken biscuit on the market. Try one if you ever get a chance.

Bingo parlors were everywhere in Alabama

Childhood home of Elvis. It was tiny.

Corky's dry ribs in Memphis! They were wonderful, best ribs I've ever eaten.

Mississippi River

Arkansas Nuclear One

The Big Texan. Home of the 72 oz. steak

American Quarter Horse Musem, I had to take a picture for my mom.

These assholes stayed side by side like this for at least 6 mins going 65 in a 75 zone. I hate them with the furry of one white sun!

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