Monday, December 15, 2008

then till now

1/4th of my thanksgiving dinners. we did a standing rib roast and a balsamic pork loin roast in kt's garage thursday. My mom did a bagged turkey saturday morn. saturday night schy's mom did an alton brown turkey. The next sunday ash and i made the one in the picture.

while ash and amber went on the wine walk i sat back at the tap house. we ended up drinking with the bartender and i think the owner. after they got off we went to there house for some more drinking. it was a really nice house right on the river. but when we got there they stacked the logs too high and when they burnt down a lil a log fell and broke the glass door. later on some guy fell over while holding a box of rice chex, thus dusting the entire kitchen floor with chex. it was a strange night.

scott got his box of heads. those africans know how to pack a box i didnt think it was possible to get all the heads in a box that small.

alx's arm vd

joe s and jess j playin with skin and bones. we had a party over at palmers aparto.

one of the nights joe was up from tempe we went to slots of fun. we lost money.

good thing they werent behind us

were a safe family

family tradition. we did an early christmas at my moms house because kt preston and the kids are going to california, my dad has to work and i dont know what ill be doing. ash and i are going to her christmas party is this friday. saturday im flying to vegas for alxs going away party and driving back with palmer and schy the following weekend.

this i swhat it looked like in reno this morning. it snowed all night and most of the day. mr weather dude says we have another day of it too. when i was just driving around sliding my car i saw 4 car wrecks.

Happy bday alx

the wii reminded us!


Anonymous said...

Happy B-day Alx~~

Man that pic of snow makes me miss snow.

mike said...

there's a snow ball in the mail right now!