Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy xmas and a merrily '09

Alx called and said they were flying out, then he said kept flopping back and fro with a horrible scratching noise and are you there? Don' you love cell phones? So, I didn't really get any details but Kat and him are gone, '09 at war. They both seemed to be in good spirits before they left. I flew down to vegas the 20th. Their coworkers held a party, not sure if it was a going away party or just a party, but it was fun either way. We learned a new drinking game, 1/4 pong.
The next night we went to midnight bowling. I'm a horrible bowler and Alx almost fell asleep in the lane. The following nights we went gambling. I'm a horrible gambler. I played roulette for the first time, it was pretty fun. Alx killed it the first night. The dealer or roller (what ever she's called) ran out of black chips cause Alx had them all. I don't think he actually won anything cause he took us out for ox tail soup at 5 in the morning on our way home. It was wonderful. The 2nd round of gambling was dominated by Kat. She was the only one that could even stay on the table for longer than 5 mins.
Thanks to Alx and Kat for letting me visit, for all the good food and fun. I wish you the best on your deployment. I hope it all works out for the best.

We went a few miles out of vegas and there is just a giant pile of trash and empty shells where people go shooting. Kat is quite the dead eye, don't F w/ her.

Christmas eve I drove to Elko with Jones. It's a 6 hour drive that ended up around 91/2 hours long. Jones drove most the way but being as he just got his wisdom teeth out his mouth started getting sore so he made me start driving (might be safer if I'm not in the passenger seat anyways, just ask Alx). It was snowing so much we were going marker to marker. It was a complete white out at parts, not being able to see past the windshield. I drove a little more careful than usual because it was Jess' car and if i wrecked it I would never hear the end of it. We made it just fine.
Christmas day was pretty uneventful. My dad got some steaks and we had a good dinner. His friend Jay gave us some deer salami that was wonderful. The next day we heard about the train derailment next to Carlin so we hopped in the ol chev to check it out.

Happy New Year and i hope everyone had a wonder Christmas!

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