Monday, November 03, 2008

true terror

Hallowed Eve has ended.
The little Hegan boy fearlessly consuming his confectioner spoils.
Thinking the spooks and witches have gone into hidding.
Feeling warm and safe for another year.
Unbeknownst to him,
the True Terror
is just begining

3 days before


Anonymous said...

They are dropping like flies. Just waiting for mine to go. BUT, when he does, it will be like a brave hero.

Palmer and Schyler said...

I never thought I would be saying this but... He needs it back NOW. He is quite cranky without it, and the new movie trivia game comes out soon! I didnt even get to play the demo! OH yes and how could I ever forget... GEARS will soon be arriving, can not imagine what he will do if the Xbox isnt back for that!

mike said...

I hope I pick the right path...

Palmer and Schyler said...

I hope we both do...