Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Bobbi Jo and her Bfriend Jr. were staying in Vegas for a couple days so we met up for dinner. Palmer and Schy had been telling us about Hofbräuhaus, large beers and good music. We met up and all ordered a liter of beer! My arm got tired holding it so I had to drink it faster! I ordered the Dunkel everyone else got the Oktoberfest.
The band was great...when they played the German music. They played some newer pop stuff that just didn't seem to fit the ambiance. The singer was German but the others were Swedish.
Jon and Santa Maria were an old German couple that got seated next to us. It's fam style seating with giant tables and other parties get seated next to you if you don't fill the table. They live in L.A. and come to vegas every few months to do some gambling. They go to Germany at least once a year and have been in the OG Hofbrau Muchen during Oktoberfest. Here they made us try a German Cherry Schnapps that wasn't all, it was like tequila with a slight hint of cherry.
This guy pounded a liter of beer, that's as big as Palmers beer boot, while standing on top of a ten foot tower of speakers! He then played the drums on every table in the place and on our beer glasses at our table. Later Schy and I were talking to him and he gave away his beer chug secret. "It's half water." Moral; don't believe in anything.
"Thirst is worse than homesickness"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn those Germans can drink some beer!
