Monday, September 22, 2008


I'm down in Vegas staying at Palmer and Schys new aparto. It's pretty nice. There is a crack between the floor and the front door. Thier kittens, Skin & Bones, wait in the doorway every night for crickets to come through the crack. They don't have any claws so they just kind of smack them around.

When I got here it was Schys worse nightmare was remanifested when Palmer and I decided to beat GofW on insane mode. We had gotten to Ramm on insane before but I didn't have the gumption to finish him off. But we finally did it! I'm now fully ready for GofW 2.

Friday we got some frolf discs that were surprisingly expensive at 10 bones a pop. We went to sunset park but couldnt find hole number one. So we started on hole 5. The course was really confusing, the fairways overlapped each other a lot and the signs describing the hole were pretty poor. We played a decent 13 holes and by the time we were done non of us could use our arms. I think were getting old if we can't play frolf sans injury!

Saturday we went to a beerpong competition at an "irish pub" It was in a casino, but it's still a pretty cool place. I went to see an Irish punk band there when The Griz and Jneal were here this summer. It was a one on one tournie and we got there early to practice. It didnt help at all. We both got beat in the first round. We watched the 2nd round and both of the guys that beat us lost. So to sum we suck at beerpong now.

Ash you need to watch The Go-Getter and Chaos Theory

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Is there a frolf course or something?
That is cool.