Monday, September 29, 2008


This video is from the day before but it is spot on from the vegas concert

On a side note I had a vision of a comic. Palmer tells me I need to write these ideas down so they arn't forgotten.

Soooo it's a Zombie vs. Robot rip. But this was a wonderful, quite possibly great comic (if you or anyone wants to read it let me know). Idea is; timeframe null, with advanced cyborg tech.

Main character, cop with some sort of shady past, is in a lab solving "x." During this issue a beaker is broken on Main characters gun. This gun is later fired at a perp that dies.....then rises with zombosease and, reawakes (dramaticly).

So the diff from this and all other z'ed word movies/comic/shorts is the cyborg part works perfectly normal on the zombos. The zombies are really slow and want brains (yeah so?) The cyborg parts are just as super-human as ever.

This story however, every zombie is diff. If he/she had borg legs it could run just as fast as before it was a z'ed. But its brain is still dead. If the arm was borg it could crush a can just as fast as when alive and a normal cyborg. (twist) the main characters partner had a Borg mind.... but he/she got bit and is now a zombo! He/she becomes the lead zombo because the body needs brainszore to live but still has the thought capacityto lead as before it was zombofied!

let me know what you think?

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