Monday, June 16, 2008

as quick as a week

MaryKay my dad's cousin in Boulder Co. trying out the ol' break an egg w/your hand trick

How'd she do it?
Jim, Wayne, Brian, Lou

Flat ass midwest.
It all looked this way from after Co. to Mi.

Mighty Missouri

Gateway Arch
This was the most impressive manmade structure I've ever seen. It loomed over the cityscape of St. Louis like in Halo.

Anheuser-Busch Inc. HQ

James Reilly posing next to the waterhole where once his childhood house stood.

The neighbor's farm, still up and running.

The Link family dinner, with home grown organic chicken and farm fresh milk!

My dad and G'ma at the soda shop in Davison.
My G'ma used to work in a soda shop and was going to teach the young girls in this shop a thing or two!

Ben, Franny, Dan, Pattie
G'ma, Susie, Jim
Pattie and Susie are my dad's cousins. Ben is Pattie's son. Franny is my aunt and Dan my uncle.

1979 Honda By David Parrish

Lake Mi.

Rainstorm in Iowa right before the floods

We went 100 miles out of our way to see the Jordan Statue infront of the United Center.

Thank you everyone we imposed on during this trip. It was wonderful getting to meet and match a face with all the cousins and friends that inhabit my dad's old stories.

thunderstorm in Davison


Anonymous said...

Christ on a bike! Your beard is redunk.

Anonymous said...

holy crap