Thursday, May 01, 2008

Heeran's Wedding

Heeran's Gpa from Canada told us that we needed to push our way to the front of the line if we wanted a drink. Shortly after we asserted our dominance over the other guests and got to the liquir we became bartenders. Being the only white and asian in the place no one suspected foul play by the "minorities" serving drinks. So we kicked ass. Alx and I got drunk while serving (I would love to be a bartender if this is part of the actual job discription) while Kathleen really put her best foot forward to make the "customer" happy. The large population of old men seemed to really like her service, but she was a lil apprehensive because she was the only woman in the back room "drinkin room". All the other women stayed in the front room and didn't drink...well some of the girls our age were having people sneek them drinks.

This is Pretesh's wife's hands with henna tats on them. They were all done free hand. And anyone that has seen how they look freehand on a dirty Mexican beach knows how amazing these actually look! BTW good job Pretesh, his wife is hot.

Kathleen got into the henna mix and this is how they look after she washed the henna off her hands.

Heeran's cousin started a tip jar while we were bartending and we made a small grip. Thanks Kathleen!

Alx needs more fiber...ewww

While the part of The Gulf of Mexico I saw was pretty nastily dirty the reason people were not swimming in it was not the gross factor; it was
nuf said

Heeran was standing on a platform, he stood on it most of the week without shoes, while everyone wiped tumeric all over him. Then they did his wife. This was most of the wedding, Heeran and his wife standind around, looking tired, while everyone in thier giganticly extended families each performed the same ritual. While we sat in hard plastic chairs.

Warning inside of plane peanut snack bag

Her, honestly I can't remeber the name, covered in tumeric.

Alx and Kathleen enjoying the food. It really was great the first couple of meals, but I got so sick of eating Indian food after a couple days. Kathleen is showing off her after dinner mint that consisted of bird seed with a mint flavor. It is said to help digestion and bad breath. Kinda not good. If you see me before I give it all away you might get some.

She got gifts of blankets and whatnot from everyone. I decided it was symbolic of the weight she would have to bear after marrying Heeran.

More Indian food. The orange stuff was mango and awsome. And the green rings to the side, I have no idea what the hell they are, tasted tastalicious!

Pretending to still enjoy the food after two days.

The stick dance. This was really fun, neat, envolving and other adjectives. It starts out with Heeran and his wife. They both have two foot sticks in both hands and they have to hit them together everytime there is a beat in the song. Then some of the close fam move in and they join in the stick hitting. Every 5 or so hits, I don't really remember now, they switch to a different partner. The dance just grows from that point until everyone is involved.

We got into a shuttle van w/o a back seat and Kathleen thought she was going to die!!!

Alx holds strong that Kathleen is ruining his corsage. Notice how she isn't touching it.

Either way it got F'ed up. Alx had to rewrap it and then used a blade of grass to como the needle he had sticking out of his left chest.

All the old important or seemingly important guys had these "30" marked towels. Vmal couldn't explain what they stood for but when I got back to Phoenix Joe had an Indian blanket with the same logo so it must be a cultural thing. I don't want to look it up but if you do let me know.

Eventhough you can't see it well, Alx is really taking a picture of the coconut behind me, but discreetly. There was a lot of swastikas everywhere. Again I'm not sure what they mean to the Indian Culture, but it was funny to see one on a coconut.

We had a debate about Sony v Cannon. Well this is the picture from my Sony and the Cannon wasn't strange enough to post, so you be the decidor.

They looked amazing on the morning of the actual ceremony.

Like the tumeric thing everyone fed them a rice looking stuff.

Thanks for inviting me Heeran I had a great experience.
Best Wishes!

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