Sunday, March 16, 2008

Flogging Molly

Last night Palmer and I saw Flogging Molly at the House of Blues. Palmer got his tickets a few months ago about ten mins before the box office said they were sold out. I figured I would just get a ticket from a scalper. Five seconds after we arrived a guy offered a ticket for $150!!! Immediately after he retracted and said he could give me a good deal at $125!!! Needless to say I passed on that BS. Palmer went to the will call while I went to look for more scalpers. I was having no luck but Palmer got one from the box office for $32. I was quite happy.

When we got into the bar I reallized why they could charge so much less for the ticket than the scalpers, at $6 a beer I'm sure HOB isn't loosing any scrilla. The opening band was playing already when we got to the bar. They were great! It's a Japanese band that plays Irish music! The Cherry Cokes. They have six members and they all were having a good time and putting on a show. Yoshiko Suzuki is one of the hottest Japanese girls ever. You all should check them out. the next opening group was ok. It was like folk music, drums guitar and a wash board.

Molly got on stage after what seemed like forever after the opening groups ended. They put on a great show. The sound was leaps and bounds better than when I saw them in Reno. Molly really got the crowd into it. They had a great set list played all the songs you would want them to. They made fun of the people that paid more for seating in the top deck. The pit was going pretty strong, but it was nice there wasn't the assholes that come "to just punch sonone in the face." They came back on for an encore. Halfway through the Cherry Cokes and the other group came up on stage and sang the last song.

It was a great show I'm glad I got to go.

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